The Lack of Women in AI Puts Us at Risk of Sexist Bots

women led ai startups

Some awesome women in the field are warning us about Artificial Intelligence (AI). They say that because there aren’t enough female executives working in artificial intelligence (AI), sexism could become a part of computer systems. Yikes!

The Numbers Don’t Look Good
According to the World Economic Forum, less than a quarter of people working in AI worldwide are women. And in the UK, it’s even worse – only about one in five are women. That’s not cool at all!

But it doesn’t stop there. Did you know that female-founded AI startups only get 2% of funding deals? That means they don’t get as much money to grow their businesses. Not fair, right?

Why Does It Matter?
So, why is this a big deal? Well, if AI technology is mostly created by men, it might end up being biased towards men. That means it could treat women unfairly or make them feel less important. We definitely don’t want that!

Melinda Gates, who used to be married to the guy who started Microsoft, recently spoke up about this issue. She said she’s really worried because there aren’t enough women who know a lot about AI. She thinks we need more women in the field, or else we’ll have biased computer systems. And she’s totally right!

Another awesome woman, Romi Savova, who runs an online pensions app called Pensionbee, also raised the alarm. She said there aren’t enough senior women in important positions. And because of that, female-led innovations don’t get as much support as they should. That’s not fair either!

Let’s Fix This!
So, what can we do about this problem? Well, first of all, we need to encourage more girls to get interested in AI and technology. Girls can be just as awesome at coding and creating cool things with computers as boys can!

It’s also important for companies and investors to support female-led startups. They need to give them the same opportunities and funding as they do for male-led startups. Everyone deserves a fair chance!

And finally, we need to make sure that AI systems are created by a diverse group of people. That means having more women and people from different backgrounds working on these technologies. This way, we can make sure that AI is fair and doesn’t discriminate against anyone.

Remember, girls can do anything they set their minds to – including shaping the future of AI (character ai) in a fair and inclusive way!

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