What is Cyber Monday? Five Interesting Facts about Cyber Monday Deals

Cyber Monday Deals

Interesting Cyber Monday Deals fun facts: From its inception to global recognition, delve into the evolution of this online shopping extravaganza, its impact during COVID-19, and its widespread influence across countries.

Cyber Monday is a special day dedicated to online shopping, taking place the Monday following Thanksgiving weekend. It was established by Shop.org to promote and encourage online shopping, capitalizing on the trend of increased internet purchases observed on that particular Monday after Thanksgiving. On Cyber Monday, retailers offer significant discounts and deals, making it an ideal time for people to snag bargains while shopping conveniently from their computers or mobile devices.

So, why is it called Cyber Monday? Well, there are a couple of theories. One theory is that people saw things they liked in stores over the weekend but waited until Monday to buy them at work because they had faster internet connections there. Another theory is that people wanted to avoid the crazy crowds and long lines on Black Friday, so they decided to shop online on Monday instead. It’s like having a peaceful shopping experience from the comfort of your own home!

Did you know that Cyber Monday Deals has reached some pretty impressive milestones? Let’s get about a few of them:

  • In 2005, the sales on Cyber Monday were $484 million. But by 2010, they had exceeded $1 billion!
  • In 2011, Black Friday and Cyber Monday united, forming a single Thanksgiving shopping weekend. It was a big deal!
  • In 2016, most major retailers started extending their Cyber Monday sales to a whole week. That means you could get awesome deals for several days in a row!
  • In 2019, Cyber Monday sales reached a whopping $9.4 billion. That’s a lot of online shopping!

Last year, something big happened. The COVID-19 pandemic hit, and more people than ever decided to shop online during Thanksgiving weekend. Can you guess how much money was spent on Black Friday and Cyber Monday? A crazy amount! Black Friday digital spending reached $9 billion, and Cyber Monday spending was nearly $10 billion. That’s a lot of online shopping from the safety of home!

Did you know that Cyber Monday started in the United States but has now become a global event? It’s true! As many as more than 28 countries participate in Cyber Monday. The country with the highest awareness of Cyber Monday is the U.K., with 89% of people knowing about it. Other countries like Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark also love Cyber Monday!

Let’s grab the best Cyber Monday Deals 2023 on the weekend of Thanksgiving. Share your interesting facts about Cyber Monday Deals with you in the comments.

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