Austrian Union Offers New Training Centers for Contracted and Uncontracted Footballers

Austrian Union Offers New Training Centers for Contracted and Uncontracted Footballers

The Austrian football players’ union Vereinigung der Fussballer (VdF) has launched a new initiative to better support footballers in Austria. On June 17, 2024, the VdF revamped its traditional training camp for out-of-contract players, transforming it into a more flexible and inclusive program called “VdF Coaching.” This new approach offers training opportunities for both contracted and uncontracted players at multiple locations across the country, providing much-needed support to footballers looking to stay in shape or secure new contracts.

For the past 12 years, the VdF held an annual six-week camp for out-of-contract players, helping them maintain their fitness while searching for a new club. However, after receiving feedback from its members, the VdF decided to make some major changes this year. Instead of holding the camp in just one location, they expanded to four regional training centers located in the north (Salzburg), east (Vienna), west (Vorarlberg), and south (Graz). This new structure is designed to be more practical for players, reducing the need for long travel times and overnight stays at the training base.

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VdF Chairman Gernot Baumgartner explained the rationale behind this change. He noted that driving from Vorarlberg to Vienna could take up to seven hours, making it difficult for players to attend the camp regularly. With the new regional centers, players can attend training sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays and then return home to their families after each practice. This setup not only makes things easier for the players but also helps the union save money by eliminating the need for extended accommodations.

Austrian Union Offers New Training Centers for Contracted and Uncontracted Footballers
Austrian Union Offers New Training Centers for Contracted and Uncontracted Footballers

Another key change in the VdF’s approach is the decision to open the training camp to all of its members, not just players without contracts. While the camp remains an essential resource for uncontracted players seeking to showcase their skills in friendly matches, it now also serves as a place for contracted players to stay fit during the offseason or prepare for pre-season training with their clubs. This inclusivity has proven beneficial for everyone involved, as the additional players help create more competitive practice environments.

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The impact of these changes has been evident since the launch of the new training centers. Since June, 49 players have participated in the program, with roughly half of them looking for new contracts and the other half using the camp to maintain their fitness for the upcoming season. The increased number of participants has made it easier to arrange effective practice sessions, and the presence of contracted players has provided extra motivation for those still searching for a team.

One player who benefited from the new training setup is Yusuf Demir, a forward for Turkish champions Galatasaray. Demir spent several weeks at the Vienna center to stay in shape before returning to his club for the new season. He praised the quality of the training and the convenience of having a center so close to home.

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Austrian Union Offers New Training Centers for Contracted and Uncontracted Footballers
Austrian Union Offers New Training Centers for Contracted and Uncontracted Footballers

Another player, David Affengruber, also found the camp to be the perfect solution for his current situation. The 23-year-old central defender, who played for Sturm Graz over the past three seasons, is currently seeking a move to a club in Germany, Italy, or Spain after declining to renew his contract with Sturm Graz. He appreciated the opportunity to train at the Graz center while staying close to home. Affengruber was especially pleased with the high-quality coaching provided by Rene Aufhauser, a former Austrian national team player who is one of six experienced coaches involved in the VdF program.

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The success of the VdF Coaching initiative has been largely attributed to the expertise and dedication of the coaches, as well as the inclusion of a sports psychologist to support the players’ mental well-being. These resources have helped the players improve their physical and mental preparation, giving them the best possible chance to succeed in their football careers.

The training camps are scheduled to run for ten weeks, concluding on August 30, 2024. However, project manager Oliver Prudlo has indicated that the VdF is considering extending the program if there are enough players who still wish to participate. The flexibility of the program allows the VdF to adapt to the needs of its members, ensuring that players without contracts are not left feeling pressured to attend but have the option to train if they choose.

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For players without a club, the camps are an essential resource during a challenging period in their careers. These players often struggle to find training opportunities and maintain their fitness while searching for new contracts. The VdF’s training centers provide them with a professional environment where they can work on their skills and prepare for trials with potential clubs. At the same time, the camps offer valuable opportunities for young players and contracted professionals to continue their development.

The changes implemented by the VdF reflect the union’s commitment to supporting all of its members, regardless of their contract status. By offering regional training centers and welcoming contracted players, the VdF has created a program that benefits the entire football community in Austria. The flexibility, quality of coaching, and focus on player well-being have made the VdF Coaching initiative a success in its first year, and it is likely to become a permanent fixture in the union’s efforts to support Austrian footballers.

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As the training camps continue to gain popularity, more players are expected to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the VdF. With the ongoing support of the union, Austrian footballers will have access to the resources they need to stay competitive and achieve success on and off the field.

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